“And at that moment, it has all re-started…”
In my life; this is one of the most beautiful sentences describing the importance of innovation and the innovative decisions I have made so far.
In my 44-year-entrepreneurial-adventure that I started from scratch, the innovative thinking system and the decisions taken in this direction formed my perspective on the whole business life, from the business ideas we have implemented to the marketing strategies, from the added value we have created to the businesses we have established. With this perspective, I am happy to have incorporated many innovative projects and business ideas under the roof of Hitay Holdings, of which we have laid the foundations in 1980.
Sometimes people ask, 'How to be innovative?'. To be honest, there is no prescription or pill for it. That's how you see life, that's how you live it. Innovation is a lifestyle, a matter of vision. It spreads interactively from the top to the lower levels. But it is also the courage to take risks, self-confidence, perseverance and discipline.
If you are an innovator, no matter what age you are and under any circumstances, you re-start all over again by saying 'why not?'. You sense it in your cells, in your heart, and you plan it even while you sleep. Over the time, you have a mindset on seeing what others don't, on doing what no one has done, on thinking about the unknown, everything that makes life easier. And it continues automatically.
In my life, in my own innovative thinking system, there is always value and employment generation. Producing, creating value, benefiting the country makes life more meaningful for me...
And the golden rule: Life gives the reward to the deserving, and takes it back from the undeserving.
Emin Hitay
Chairman of Hitay Holdings